Krysta Lynn Catch Up - Vol 2.

Let's catch up! Find out what I've been up to. What I've been watching, reading, feeling, thinking!

Hello, friends!

I haven’t done a catch-up with you since April - wayyyy too long in my opinion.

The past few months have been both stressful, relaxing, full of motivation, and a little discouraging all in one. Overall, this summer has been pretty great though.

I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve been reading a bunch of non-fiction, “self-helpish” type books or what - but I’ve been really focusing on a self-discovery of sorts. Sometimes you need to take a good hard look at yourself and decide whether or not you like what you see (not just in a physical sense). Are you REALLY the type of person you’d describe yourself as to someone else? What are your priorities? What are your dreams? Are you following them?

It’s not easy but man, is it ever worth it.

Enough of that seriousness, let’s catch up!

  • I’m not going to lie - I cannot wait for the fall time. I looooove the crisp air, the colors of the leaves changing, dressing in layers, and the Autumn smells.

  • I’m freaking out, just a little bit, about turning 30 in less than two months. Now that I’ve actually done the math and figured out it’s less than two months I’m freaking out even more. I don’t know why being 30 seems like such a big deal to me. It’s that age where you’re supposed to have “all your sh*t together” or something. To be fair though, I do have things fairly figured out. I have a house that I’m able to afford on my own, a decent job, a brand new car, 3 fur babies that are so adorable, friends that mean the world to me, and a family that supports me. What else do I really need? 

  • The only thing I think I’m missing in my life is the strength to overcome my fear of failure (or success). There’s a lot of things I’d like to do (write a novel for example), that I haven’t done yet because it’s scary. But, big deal? Scary is good. 

  • I’ve become a vegan! If you would have told me this a year ago I would have laughed in your face - seriously! I started my vegan journey after watching too many documentaries on Netflix (Cowspiracy, What the Health, Forks over Knives, Vegucated) and then doing some of my own research. Saying I’m vegan out loud makes me a little nervous. I know there are always arguments for and against things like this - but I’m happy with my decision. 

  • Let me know if you want me to write a separate blog post about my decision to become a vegan!

  • I’ve been binge watching Jane the Virgin on Netflix. Have you seen that show? If not, you need to check it out! The first few episodes aren’t that great (but you need to watch them to understand the whole story) but then it quickly gets addicting. Just trust me on this one.

  • I started meditating more regularly again. I did a 30-day meditation challenge in the past and discovered how helpful meditation is for me...but then I stopped making it a priority. I’m starting to take self-care seriously and meditation is a part of that, for me.

  • For those of you who meditate, can you recommend any guided meditation videos or apps?

What have you been up to lately?

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