Recap of my March 2016 Goals
Make a cleaning schedule and stick to it. My house is small and there's no excuse for me not to keep it sparkly cleanTechnically, I made the schedule ... but my house is still not clean- Organize my office. This scares me a little, but it needs to be tackled Hard fail on this one.
Reorganize kitchen cabinets to fit my new cookware- Put together budget binder I didn't get the binder set up, but I met with a Financial Advisor who told me he doesn't believe in "budgeting" - this kind of threw me, so I'm reconsidering
- Finish reading Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult This was almost a win - I have about 4 chapters left I couldn't finish before falling asleep last night.
Go for a walk with the dogs everydaySomedays it was the shortest walk ever, because it's really wet around my neighbourhood with all the snow melting, and then my dogs get super dirty and that's no fun for anyone- Start wearing my FitBit again I wore it a lot more this month, but the battery died a week ago and I haven't put it on again since ... FAIL!
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day Another hard, hard, fail! I need to bring my water bottle that has a straw to work instead of the one I bring now. It's so much easier for me to drink a lot of water if I have a straw (this is also true for alcohol LOL)
Only eat out 2 times a week MAX
Blog/Social Media
Write one blog post a week- Post/Share on Facebook at least once every two days - I gotta start somewhere! I'm still at a lose for what to share since I'm just starting out on the blog - do I just share other people's content? Ugh.
Finish my blogging binderThere will be a detailed post about this laterCreate a header/find someone to work with on designing oneI'm still looking into getting a new "theme" for my blog, but for right now I'm happy with the way it looks and I like my new header :)
I did better than I thought I would in terms of meeting my goals. I generally put everything off until the last minute, so it doesn't surprise me that I didn't get everything done. Now that I actually have people watching me to see if I complete my goals, it's made me want to procrastinate less!
April 2016 Goals
- Create a mood board for what I want my office to look like - I'm hoping this will give me more motivation to get it done
- Finish another book. It's probably going to be Twilight - don't judge me.
- Get out of the house once a week to read/work on my laptop, instead of staying inside like a hermit.
- Make 3 recipes from Pinterest/Blogs
- Wear my FitBit everyday
- Drink 2L of water a day
- No eating past 7pm
Blog/Social Media
- Post/Share on Facebook once every two days
- Learn how to take decent pictures for Instagram. I'm just horrible at taking pictures. I always have been. I never know when to take them, or what to take them of. I'm beyond jealous of people with good photography skills
- Look into expenses for hiring someone to redesign my blog, then make a plan to save for it
- Post twice a week
I've been feeling kind of blah the past week or so, which is why I don't have many goals for this month. Not being very motivated to do anything will do that to you! I'm hoping my attitude changes soon and I'll crush all of these goals
What are your April Goals?

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